SEALCORE network


SEALCOREネットワークにおける企業シナジーとノウハウは、世界市場のニーズを満たす完全なサービスであるイタリア品質と幅広い技術製品の保証を提供します。:汎用および継ぎ目なし大口径Oリング I ロータリーシャフトオイルシール I エラストマー、ゴムのカスタマイズ製品 I 液状シリコン I 3D プリント I PTFE・高性能ポリマー I 自己潤滑ブッシング・ワッシャー I 流体動力のシールソリューション


Italian Bank Holidays

We would like to inform you that our company will be closed during these Bank Holiday breaks:

- October the 31st and November the 1st.

- December the 8th through the 9th

April 2022

DNV Certification for Wind Industry

FP is proud to announce that the specialization process started a few years ago for the production of oil seals to the wind-energy industry (both oil seals and hydraulic seals), has reached a new very important level.

Our personnel has been certified by DNV for the Wind Energy industrial sector. Our technical service and quality level have been brought to a new hi-end standard.

Delta Rings in PU

SEALFLUID introduces Delta Rings for Valves produced in Polyurethane (PU).
